Winemaker's Journal is a reference for winemakers
    and vineyard growers with special attention given to the
    novice. The website, companion blog and Twitter
    document the adventures, joys and sorrows of making,
    growing and living wine.  We've come a long way since
    we started in the garage in 2004, making hundreds of
    mistakes along the way (and documenting them for you).
    If you're thinking of making wine or planting a vineyard
    then we'll provide you with insight about what you're
    getting yourself into and how to avoid disaster.  The site
    is divided into two resource areas: winemaking and
    grape growing. Be sure and visit the blog and follow us
    on Twitter for additional information and do stop by our
    winery, the Blue-Merle. We look forward to having you join
    us on our continuing adventures as we "Grow Your Own,
    Cook Your Own, Make Your Own Wine."  
Winemaking Duo: Bluey & Craig Justice

Important Legal Notice: No dogs
were abused or injured in the making of
the wine, the planting of the vineyard or
writing this journal. Bluey is over 21 in
dog years and is of legal age to drink.
No dogs were given wine -- they just
lapped it up themselves as soon as it hit
the ground before we could wipe it up.
No poison is used to control gophers or
ground squirrels -- we prefer owls. We
support "catch and release" of
rattlesnakes (but not on our property).
Warning: any squirrel that eats more
than 2 avocados or grape clusters is
dead meat. We do not use squirrel
meat, possums, or gophers in our "Coq
au Vin" or when cooking with wine;
however, "lapin" is fair game (and
delicious), and I hear from my lower
Alabama friends that stewed gopher is
pretty good. No aliens were used as
farmhands, day laborers or in the
construction of the vineyard -- we
employ human beings only. Customer
satisfaction guarantee: You will love
our wine.  If not, please send it back to
us (and go ahead and make your own --
don't worry, we'll show you how).  
Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,
2008, 2009 Alliance International
Trade & Investment Group, Inc. All
rights reserved. Blue-Merle Winery (TM),
Blue-Merlelot (TM) Wine, Merleatage
(TM) wine, Bluenello (TM) wine, Hair of
the Dog (TM) Grappa and Rattlesnake
(TM) Grappa are Trade Marks of
Alliance International Trade &
Investment Group, Inc. Cellar Master:
Bluey.  Vineyard Overseer: Queen.  
Chief Weedpicker: Princess. Co-starring:
Joe the Wino, Merlot Mike, Coyote
Karen, Celestial Sandra, Texas Connie,
"Owl" Gore, Fidel, Macadamia Bruce,
the neighborhood Crazy Lady, Three
Priests & The Bishop, and more.

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